Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Go Indians!
Just wanted to say thanks to Aunt Jenn & Uncle Bobby for continuing to send the hand-me-downs our way. Lovin' every bit of it!! I'm also trying to make use of this fancy Adobe software that daddy bought me for Christmas...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
4 months old!

Both boys are getting SO close to rolling over. We worked on it this weekend and they're both about to get it. I had Ben on his belly at the doctor's office and I was trying to see how far he held his head up. (Doc wanted to know for developmental purposes.) I looked away for a second to finish filling out a sheet she gave me and when I turned back Ben had FLIPPED OVER!!! Since I didn't see it happen I'm not counting it as an actual roll-over. I'm sure the next real thing will happen at home soon.

Daddy and I played a rousing game of Monopoly last night. It's amazing how our evening entertainment has changed since we had kids! Dad won, of course. I still think Eli was helping him snatch a few bills from the bank or something! Just look at that innocent face!
Ok, had to share this one too. I remember getting these robes as a shower gift and thinking, "They'll never grow into these!" Man, they've grown up so fast!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Father's Day!!!

This weekend we celebrated Matt's first Father's Day! We christened the occasion by getting daddy his first official necktie from the boys. He also got a "Wedding Crashers" DVD...Daddy's favorite movie!
PS. If anyone reading this has pictures from the weekend, please send them my way. My camera is still broken so I'm relying on everyone else to take pictures these days. Grandma and Grandpa Psota were in town again this weekend. They had so much fun playing with the boys and enjoying their new little laughs. We spent the day on Saturday at the lake and Sunday we just hung around the house by the pool. The boys really like swimming in the water now!
The pictures above are what they "Made" for daddy at day care. Even I thought they looked alike in these pictures! The one on the left is Ben and Eli is on the right. Click on them to get a close up view of their pictures and to read the cute little poem. Aren't they adorable!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Picture this!
The boys are getting cuter and cuter by the minute. Of course, I'm a little biased too! I made a snap decision to go to Sears for some quickie photos tonight since my mom was in town to help me. I'll try to post one of their shots. I was surprised, they turned out so cute!
Let's see...what's new this week? Grabbing onto things a little more now and definitely kicking and moving their arms a lot more. I guess that means that they're getting ready to want to start playing with toys. Yippee!! If they can entertain themselves for a few minutes it would help me out a ton!! I also got some great video the other night of them playing together. I think it was the first time they really "Noticed" each other. It was darling! They grabbed each other's hands and smiled at one another. I hope they're always such good friends!
Grandma & Grandpa Psota are visiting again this weekend. The boys are so excited!! It will be the last chance we get to see them before we head off to Aruba for Aunt Julie's wedding next month. We can't wait!!!

Grandma & Grandpa Psota are visiting again this weekend. The boys are so excited!! It will be the last chance we get to see them before we head off to Aruba for Aunt Julie's wedding next month. We can't wait!!!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Ready for Summer!

Here's a cute picture that Daddy took of the boys tonight. They're smiling so much now and starting to laugh a little. I was washing all of their little bottle parts tonight and holding Eli at the same time. I had all the little parts spread out on a towel so I held Eli down close to them so he could put his hands in them. He loved it! He started grabbing all of the little pieces and spreading them all around. I'm so excited that they're starting to want to play with toys and stuff now!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
First week of school! (Mom's back to work)
Well, it wasn't so bad. I thought going back to work was going to be the most miserable thing ever. I hate to admit it, but when I dropped the boys off at daycare for the first time on Tuesday morning I actually drove away with a sense of "Freedom!" Of course, about an hour later I was dying to call and see how they were doing. Picking them up in the afternoon is still the best part of my day though. I miss them so much & wonder what they're doing (and what I'm missing!) all day long. Having time to myself is a nice balance though.
My camera battery was dead on the first day of school, so I didn't get a picture with it but they did take one of them at daycare when we got there. If they give me a digital copy then I'll share it. Otherwise it will definitely go in their baby books.

We took them in the pool and in the lake for the first time last week. Eli loved the pool. Ben, not so much. I didn't get any pictures of Eli in the pool, but for some reason got several of my "Crabby" little Ben. They both enjoyed the lake water. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of that either!
I also had to put a picture of their friend Ross on here. He has the most adorable eyes you've ever seen on a kid. Isn't he cute! I just loved his "Billy Bob teeth" pacifier too!!

We took them in the pool and in the lake for the first time last week. Eli loved the pool. Ben, not so much. I didn't get any pictures of Eli in the pool, but for some reason got several of my "Crabby" little Ben. They both enjoyed the lake water. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of that either!
I also had to put a picture of their friend Ross on here. He has the most adorable eyes you've ever seen on a kid. Isn't he cute! I just loved his "Billy Bob teeth" pacifier too!!

Matt took some pictures of them early in the morning yesterday. They're always so smiley and cute in the morning! I think they look different (ie. Non-identical) in this picture. What do you think? 

Enjoy your week!
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