Hey! I finally found the charger for my digital camera, so I was f
inally Eli----> able to take a few more pictures. The boys are getting so big! I weighed them 2 days ago and they each were a little over 7 1/2 pounds. That's nearly 3 pounds they've each gained since birth!!

(Ben, below. Eli, lower right) Overall, thing

Ben had a little trouble with reflux last week, which in turn made him quite an unhappy baby. His pediatrician prescribed some Prilosec for him though and it has made a world of difference. Both boys love to lay and stare at the toys hanging over them in their little play
mat. Eli is even starting to grab onto them a little now. He loves holding onto my finger when he's eating too. It's so sweet!
I'm loving soaking up every minute of all of this. I get so excited when they gain even an ounce, yet I tear up every time I "Retire" one of their preemie outfits to a storage box. Let the "Hellos & Goodbyes" emotional rollercoaster of being a mom begin!