I asked the doctor what I should expect from here on out. He said they'd start seeing me weekly at about 30 weeks. He also said that he usually takes twins at 36 weeks...which is only 9 weeks away!! Yikes!!! I guess that means we'd better hurry up with the nursery and the rest of the upstairs in our house. We're ready to order the carpet and we've almost finished the bathroom. Matt just has to put the toilet back in and the wood strips back around the walls. I'll take a picture when it's all finished. It looks great!!

Matt also put together the new cribs. This isn't how we're going to arrange them in the room though. We're going to have to move them when the carpet installers come anyway, but we just couldn't wait to see how they looked! It's a good thing we put them together too, because one of them was missing a small piece. They're supposed to be ordering it for us though.
I'll post another belly pic when I have time. I've completely passed the "Cute-pregnant" stage by now. I'm still very comfortable though, so that's good. Sleeping is getting a little tough, but I can't complain too much. The babies are kicking me almost constantly now and we can feel little heads, butts & feet when we push on my tummy. It's so awesome being able to reach down and feel them whenever I want! The kicks are starting to feel more like rolls now too. I guess they're about 2 pounds each now, and they're supposed to be in more of a fetal position rather than arms & legs all over the place like they were before.