<---- Ben
The weather actually ended up being quite nice this weekend. We spent our first night out at the lake on Friday and the boys did very well. I think they like the fresh air and everything out there. On Saturday we had a huge
picnic at the lake house and today we had a family picnic & watched the race and stuff. Continuing with tradition, we all drew race car driver's names for $1 apiece today & Ben picked the winner!! We added his winnings to his new piggy bank. Good job Ben!

Eli & Ben ----->

So I guess the "New" thing is still the smiles. They're getting bigger and more regular now...and are still so cute!! Ben has all the sudden started sucking his fists. They used to do that when they were hungry, but now he just does it to pacify himself. It's kind of cute. I don't know if he'll eventually start sucking his thumb or not. Eli is getting close to rolling over, I think. It will be interesting to see who does it first. They both are kicking & moving their arms a lot more now too. They're also starting to get some little bald spots on their heads from rubbing and turning their heads more now. It looks so funny. I just hope their hair grows back soon!!
Here are some cute shots from the weekend. My camera is sort of broken, so it's hard to take many pictures anymore. I really wanted to get a new photo printer, but now it looks like we're going to need to buy a whole new camera instead. Oh well....here's a few that I got anyway.
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