Monday, December 4, 2006

Level II Ultrasound today

Well, after our "Great" appointment last week we got a call from our Doctor's office. Apparently the blood test results weren't totally "Fine" as they had originally told us. The Quad Screen/AFP results were slightly higher than the normal range for twins, so they sent us to a perinatologist today for a second look. They told us over the phone that these things commonly come back abnormal--especially with twins--and there's really not much to worry about. They were sending us for a Level II just as a precaution. Of course it was a long weekend of waiting and a little worrying for both of us though. Basically the elevated levels meant that there was a slight increased risk that one or both of the babies might have a Neural Tube defect or something like Spina Bifida. The good news though, was that the elevated level meant that the chance of Down's Syndrome drastically decreased from like 1:650 chance to 1:50,000. We went to the Peri in Indianapolis today though, just to make sure everything checked out ok.
We had a really in-depth ultrasound first, which went very well. Everything checked out absolutely normal for both babies. They were even able to tell us that they, for sure, each had their own sac and placenta. This isn't definite, but it means that they're more than likely fraternal twins! She did say that identical twins can have this too though, so we're still not 100% sure on that. They also said that they knew what their sexes were by the end of the ultrasound. They kept it a secret though!!!! Matt and I still have no clue, but we love guessing!!
In all actuality, it was nice seeing a Perinatologist. Many moms of twins will see one at least once during their pregnancies. They are there more for the babies, while regular OB's are primarily concerned about the mother carrying the babies. We shouldn't have to go back to them again though, unless something else unexpectedly arises. We were just glad to have yet one more thorough ultrasound to reassure us that everything looked good! Of course, they always have to say that nothing is 100% certain, so there could always be a surprise when they're delivered, but according to everything they looked at today, things were OK. In fact, they said we could still get an amniocentesis done if we wanted, but they weren't recommending it at this point since everything else looks fine. What a relief!!

Here are some cute pictures from the scan today. Click on them to enlarge and you can see things much better. They gave us like 5, but I'll just post the good ones. The one of the baby's face shows us that he/she is smiling at us!!!

One other thing they told us was that one placenta was Anterior, meaning towards the front and to the right side of my belly, while the other was Posterior or near my back and to my left. This explains why I can feel the baby on the left kicking & moving WAY more than the one on the right because the right's placenta is padding things pretty well. Actually, they were both VERY active today during the ultrasound & moving/kicking all over the place!