Friday, December 29, 2006

25 Weeks!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We spent a few days with my family and now we're in Cleveland celebrating with the Psotas. I can't believe how warm it is in both places!
We had our 25-week ultrasound on Tuesday and everything is still looking very good. The twins are about 1.5 lbs each now. They're getting so big! Of course, the sexes are still a big secret. I think it's getting harder for the doctor to keep it from us now. Matt and I got another video tape of the ultrasound and watched it in slow motion when we got home. (We're so bad!!!) We couldn't see anything though. I don't think either of them were in position for seeing anything anyway.
I gained like 5 pounds in the past two weeks. I think a lot of it is water weight though. I ate a lot of salty food over the holidays with all the get-together's and stuff. I noticed that my face and hands are really swelling now. GREAT! I felt much better yesterday and I think a lot of it went down. Guess I'll just have to get used to no wedding ring and chubby cheeks from here on out though. :(
I'll try to put some pictures from our ultrasound on when we get back home. I don't think they can fit both babies on the screen anymore though. I might be able to get one shot with just their two heads or something. Matt's also planning on finishing up their bathroom this weekend when we get home. I hope I'll have a few shots of the finished product by next week!! Then we'll be ready to order carpet for the rest of the upstairs and start putting furniture in the nursery. Our cribs are in, and I can't wait to set them up!!