Friday, July 25, 2008

I found my camera!!!

Sorry, it's been nearly 2 months since I've updated the blog. I thought I lost my camera, but luckily I found it this morning!! Here's what you've missed...

Last day of "Infants" at day care:
It was a bittersweet day at school that day. The boys were so ready to move on to "Toddlers" but it was hard saying goodbye to Miss Jennifer and Miss Margaret. They were such wonderful teachers! It's hard to believe that when we brought them to school they were only 3 1/2 months old. Look at them now!! The past few weeks of school have been interesting, to say the least. The big "Flood of 2008" hit Columbus and flooded out Cummins Child Development Center, where they go to day care. We had a few weeks at home (thanks to all the family and friends who helped us babysit!!!!) and now the Center opened a temporary day care at the Community Church of Columbus. On September 8th they will be moving into a vacant building, the Jefferson Education Center, here in Columbus. They decided not to reopen the old facility due to the uncertainty of future flooding. We will be in the JEC for 2 years, or until a new facility is finished.

Trip to Charleston:
The boys and I went to visit my brother Jeff and his family in Charleston last month. Daddy had another trip to go on, so luckily I had my parents with me to help. The boys were a handful, but only because they have so much energy! They were actually very good on the plane. They loved playing in the pool and in the park while we were there. We only went to the beach once, and it was just to take pictures. I'll save their "First play date at the beach" for when daddy is with us! We had so much fun playing with their cousins, Anna and Zoe. I can't believe how big they're both getting!

What are they up to now???

It's amazing how much of an influence the "Toddlers" have had on Ben and Eli over the past few weeks. They've learned so many new words and skills! Both boys will repeat almost everything you ask them to say. Ben loves the word "Ball." Every time he sees anything that resembles something round, he yells, "BALL!!" Eli, on the other hand, has mastered his manners. He can say, "More please" and do the sign language at the same time. It's so cute...and so polite! Both boys learned how to dance last week too. It's so funny! Whenever they hear music they drop what they're doing and bounce up and down to the beat. They're also getting really good at running. Man, they are fast!!
Although they keep our hands full, they have also learned some things that have made life a little easier for us too. They can feed themselves now and have learned to use a spoon and fork. That's a huge help! They can also go get stuff, like shoes, diapers, etc. when you ask them for it.

This week we took a trip to the fair. Since I didn't have my camera I had to use my mom's. Once I get the pictures from her I'll post more. Oh, and you can see their new haircuts too! That's probably enough for now, though. Thanks for checking back!