Thursday, June 14, 2007

Picture this!

The boys are getting cuter and cuter by the minute. Of course, I'm a little biased too! I made a snap decision to go to Sears for some quickie photos tonight since my mom was in town to help me. I'll try to post one of their shots. I was surprised, they turned out so cute!

Let's see...what's new this week? Grabbing onto things a little more now and definitely kicking and moving their arms a lot more. I guess that means that they're getting ready to want to start playing with toys. Yippee!! If they can entertain themselves for a few minutes it would help me out a ton!! I also got some great video the other night of them playing together. I think it was the first time they really "Noticed" each other. It was darling! They grabbed each other's hands and smiled at one another. I hope they're always such good friends!

Grandma & Grandpa Psota are visiting again this weekend. The boys are so excited!! It will be the last chance we get to see them before we head off to Aruba for Aunt Julie's wedding next month. We can't wait!!!