Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lots of "Firsts!"

Wow, have we been busy lately! Ever since their first roll-overs we've been adding to the list of "Firsts" left and right! We just got back from Aruba yesterday. We all went there for Matt's sister, Julie's wedding. It was so much fun! The boys did really well there and on the plane too. They were both a little fussy on the last leg of the flight last night, but overall they did really well.

So, let's recap the past week:

It was their first trip on a plane, first time out of the country, (alas, 1st use of a passport), first time at the beach, and first time at a wedding!

Thanks to Melissa and Melanie for letting us borrow the extra Baby Bjorn. Where would we be without those things??? We carried them everywhere in Aruba in them! They must have liked it because they almost always fell asleep in them when we put them on.

Today we added a few more milestones to the list as well. They both ate from a spoon today! Ben did very well. Eli, not so much. We'll keep trying though.

They also played in their exersaucers for the first time today too. They both loved them!!! Thanks to Jenn & Robert for the hand-me-down and to Jenn Whitacre for the gift. We'll get tons of use out of them, I'm sure!!
Pictures in order, from top to bottom:
(You can click on some of them to enlarge)
1. Ben & Eli at the airport
2. Eli in a towel
3. Daddy & Ben at the beach
4. Ben & Eli on the chair
5. Ben & Eli being silly in their crib
6. Mommy carrying one of the boys. We wore the Bijorn's everywhere!
7. Eli's first time in the exersaucer!
8. Ben's first time in the exersaucer!

Ciao for now!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


They both rolled over!!! Both did it for the first time on the same day (7-9-2007). Imagine that?! Ben was the first to go. He did it several times and Matt caught it all on video. I didn't think Eli was quite ready, even though he was 90% there but couldn't figure out what to do with his other arm that was tucked underneath him. I had him on his tummy and looked away for a second and Matt yelled, "Holle, look at Eli!" Sure enough, he had rolled over too! I'm still eerily amazed at how alike they are!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Mommy got a new camera--FINALLY! Let's see, what have the boys been up to? Well, making "Noises" is a new thing for both of them. They rarely cry anymore when they wake up in the morning. Instead, Matt and I get a kick out of listening to them "Talk" to each other and their crib mobiles each morning when they wake up. They also love to lay on their play mat and babble at the toys hanging above them. They're grabbing at their toys a little now. They can really grab onto cloth things.

They're holding their heads up very steadily now and are almost ready to start eating solid foods. We're heading to Aruba next week so we'll probably wait until we get back from our trip to start them on baby cereal.

They've also started letting out a few belly laughs here and there. It's so incredibly cute!!

Here's another picture of Eli in his frog towel. You'll have to scroll back to some of the older posts to see him when he was much smaller! I need to get one of Ben wrapped in his towel. I call him "Ben Burrito!" We got lots of pictures of Ben & his dimples though that I'll gladly share. Enjoy!