Thursday, August 9, 2007

More goofy shots

Feeding is getting easier with a spoon now. Eli ate his whole bowl tonight! Eli also got up on his knees the other day when we put him on his belly. Matt and I looked at each other and just said, "Uh, oh!" I hope that doesn't mean they're going to start crawling early!

1. Eli & Nana
2. Eli & Ben (Ben is in usual)
3. Ben & Eli playing together!

4. Eli in the high chair

5. Eli & Ben being so silly!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Baby butts!

Ok, so I got some embarassing footage of Ben grunting in his high chair, so I had to try and even the score. Here are some shots we'll use as blackmail on Eli one of these days...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

First roudnd of sickness...

...No thanks to day care! The boys both developed Roseola this past week. Poor Eli got it while we were in Cleveland for Julie & Sean's wedding reception. He just wanted to be held but we had to make him ride in the car seat the whole way home with a wet wash cloth on his forehead. He got better in a couple of days, developed a rash, and then Ben got it. Ben's temp was even higher than Eli's ever got. I think at one point he reached 103.7. We called the nurse and she told us not to put washclothes on him (oops!) but to give him a larger dose of Tylenol. That did the trick. He went back to day care today too. He has a little rash, but I'm sure more will pop out like Eli's did by this evening. Here's a picture of him and daddy in bed. Daddy had a rough night staying up with him. They both needed sleep!!

We had a great time at Julie & Sean's reception though. Luckily the boys made it through the party before they started getting sick. Julie looked beautiful, as always. Congratulations, once again to the happy couple!!
As I was making bottles the other night I saw my camera on the counter and just had to take a picture. One of these days I'm going to look back and remember what it was like to have to make 10-12 bottles every night to prepare for the next day. It's madness!!!