Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Fun!

Today we went to the "Terkhorn Reunion" at the Brownstown Forestry. It was a little cold out, but it definitely felt like fall. The boys loved playing on the little playground. Needless to say, they were pretty worn out on the way home. Nana & Grandpa weren't there today because they're visiting Jeff, Michaela, Anna & Zoe in Germany. We miss them!

We also found out today that the boys can count to ten! They must be teaching them that in school because, unfortunately, Matt and I can't take credit for that. Our cousin Erin was pushing Ben on the swing today and he just started counting away...and Eli can do it too! The boys have also learned some other things lately that we're not so proud of. They think it's so funny to spit their milk out, and they love to throw food off of their high chair too. Cleaning up after meals is such a joy! Have you ever tried to get cottage cheese out of grout? Not fun!

Oh well, it's just one of many messes that we've gotten used to...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mommy's little Divas?

Eli loves shoes! Should I be scared?

(Ok, I took the video sideways and can't figure out how to straighten it out. Bear with me...)

We finally went and got more pictures taken today. I can't believe it's been over a year since we've had professional ones done! Well, we tried to get them done in Charleston a few months ago with Jeff's kids, but mine were so cranky then that we only got a couple of shots. As you can see from one of the pics below, they weren't too cooperative today either!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ben & Eli paid their second visit to the Seymour annual Oktoberfest last night. The weather this year was much more typical, and much nicer than it was last year. They each ate a corn dog and part of mom's apple dumpling and then we rode rides. There weren't many rides that they could go on yet, so we just stuck to the lady bugs and the merry go round. Their friend Laura Roeder was there too and rode the merry go round with them. They loved the rides! When I showed them this video just now they both wanted me to play it over and over...and over, and over....Eli just keeps saying "Weeeee!!!"
Guess they had fun!