Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!

We just spent a nice, long weekend with family and friends. We had dinner with Nana & Grandpa Terkhorn on Thursday and then headed up to Cleveland to visit with Grandma & Grandpa Psota for the rest of the weekend. Poor Ben, still hasn't seen anymore snow. I thought for sure we'd get some in Cleveland. The weather report is showing the possibility for some in the future, so maybe he'll get his wish. I just hope I can capture that moment on video too!

What are the boys up to these days? Well, let's see...Counting is a really big thing right now. They can both count to ten and they're even working on counting in Spanish too! They can also get through their ABC's, and you can almost understand about half of it. Ha! They're also really into singing songs. I just love their cute little voices!

Thanks, Grandpa Psota for taking such great pictures of us this weekend too! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Happy (okay, late) Halloween!! Ben & Eli were "Two little monkeys" this year. They have the sound effects down perfectly, too. We definitely got our good out of the costumes this year. We went to the Ceraland Halloween party the Friday before Halloween and then went to "Zoo Boo" at the Indianapolis Zoo the next day. Then we went trick-or-treating with some friends on Halloween night and dressed up in costumes again the next day for Grandma & Grandpa Terkhown. Wow! What a Halloween!!
Today we woke up and saw some snow on the ground! The boys were so impressed! Ben was particularly impressed, as he kept repeating "Snow" all morning. I'm sure he drove his teachers nuts about it too! When we walked out of day care this afternoon he just looked at me and said "Snow all gone?" I had to explain to him that it was, in fact gone but that we will probably get more snow sometime soon. I can't wait for a real big snow. I hope we get some this year!! Here are a couple of cute videos of Ben (still talking about the snow) from this evening. He's also going to read to you "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "The Wheels on the Bus." I love it when he says that the bus driver says "Shhh, shhhh, shhh!" and "Move on back!" So cute! I'll try to get some videos of Eli next time. He was very busy building his blocks tonight. I didn't want to bother a genius architect in the making!