Monday, November 27, 2006

Back from our Disney Thanksgiving vacation

We're baaaaack! Disney was a blast. We got a condo with Matt's family, 11 of us in all. We fixed a turkey dinner on Thursday and headed to the Magic Kingdom on Friday. Saturday I met my cousin Pete & his wife Amy and we headed home on Sunday. The weather was really nice the whole time. We even got in the outdoor pool a few times. All in all it was a nice little getaway, except for the flu outbreak. Somehow Matt and I both managed to dodge the bullet, however the rest of the group was not so lucky. Sounds like they all had a pretty eventful flight home yesterday.

We had another doctor's appointment today and everything went well. They did another ultrasound and measured everything again. The kiddos are about 13 ounces each now and are both the same size...which is great! All of my bloodwork came back "Normal" too so that's one less thing to worry about also. So far so good!

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