Friday, November 17, 2006

Ok, finally a picture. I absolutely HATE this one, which was taken over 2 weeks ago. I left my camera at a friend's house so I haven't been able to take any more lately. I'm a little bigger in the belly now though. My hair is greasy/messy in this one because I've been playing with my 2 1/2 year-old niece. If I look worn out it's because I was! We had so much fun with her here that week!!

We started our parenting classes this week. So far we just covered what labor feels like, who to call, when to go to the hospital, where to go, etc. We love our instructor! We found out that she lives right around the corner from us. I hope she is in the delivery room when we're in there. Her husband works with Matt too. Small world!

At the end of the class we did about 10 minutes of relaxation exercises. I think they were meant for the moms, but the coaches got to participate too. Of course, MINE FELL ASLEEP!!! Our instructor dimmed the lights, played relaxing music and asked us to breathe, relax, etc. Next thing I know Matt is snoozing away. TYPICAL for those of you who know him! I reached over and touched his hand and, thankfully, he shook awake. I'm just glad I didn't have to go through one of those embarassing struggles to try and wake him!

I had another appointment today too. 19 weeks! Everything looks great! I wasn't supposed to have an ultrasound, but they did one anyway. Dr. Albers did a heartbeat check and found one right away. He said, "Well, there it is. Nice and strong." and then lifted the thing off of me.

I then asked, "What about the other one?"

He checked my chart and said, "Oh yeah, you're having twins. Let's just go take a look at them instead." He didn't get much of a picture this time, but I'll go ahead and post it anyway. It's just mostly legs & stuff.

Normally I would be a little frustrated with them, but I was just happy to get to see the little buggers again! They were kicking and moving all over the place! I'm still having trouble feeling them though. I've been feeling little "Flutters" for weeks, but no definite kicks yet. I'm sure they'll be here soon though.

Well, we're off to Disney World next week for Thanksgiving with the Psotas. We'll update you more then!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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