Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Almost 28 weeks

Hello! I just had to post a Psota family picture that was taken over the holidays. I had one of my family in a previous post, so this one is a little over due. Don't we look great!
Again, nothing too exciting going on this week. For some reason my blood pressure has been a little on the high side when I visit the doctor. I've been monitoring it at home and it's been nice and low. I guess I tend to get nervous and it shoots up before I go in to the doctor. (If you're wondering why I get a little tense at the doc's office, read back to my 13-week post!!!) Luckily I haven't had any swelling anywhere or protein in my urine so the doctors aren't too concerned about it. They just asked me to keep a log of it at home for now. I'm also going to check my monitor against theirs on Monday when I go in for my next appointment. Other than that, things are going really well. We can feel little bumps everywhere in my tummy now where the babies are. It's so cool! It used to just feel like a big bag of water, but now we can actually feel the babies in there. Sometimes if you press lightly on them they'll kick you back. We can also see them moving from the outside all the time too. It's so strange & cool!

We watched the National Geographic special "In the Womb: Multiples" on Sunday. It was pretty cool. They basically said that after 26 weeks the twins will recognize & start interacting with each other inside the womb. So far I think ours like each other and are "Getting along" pretty well. ;)

I'm still feeling pretty well, but sleeping at night is becoming more of a challenge. We put a Lazy Boy up in our room now and I sleep in it sometimes if it's more comfortable. I guess this is all Mother Nature's way of preparing us both for many interrupted nights ahead. I'm getting used to functioning on very little sleep these days. Speaking of sleep, it's almost 9:30pm now and I'm surprised I'm still awake. I better be heading off to bed soon.


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