Friday, January 5, 2007

Woo-hoo! Countdown days are now in double digits!!

Even though my countown tickers above show my 40-week due date (Which I'll never make it to...or at least I hope not!!!) I was just excited to see that it's under 100 days now. I'm officially 26 weeks today and I'd like to keep these guys in until 36-37 weeks. I can't believe that it's only 10 weeks away! Any earlier than that and they might have some problems...any later than that and I might be the one with problems!!!

I just had to attach this picture of my niece. She's such a diva! We had so much fun with them over the holidays. They're back in Germany now & we miss them so much. Can't wait to see them again in April/May! I also attached another fun family picture from my side of the family. We also got pictures taken with the Psota's, but I haven't received them yet. I'll try to post them soon though.

Hope everyone's having a good 2007 so far!

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