Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Half-way to our first birthday!!!

It's so hard to believe that the boys are already six months old!!! It's been awhile since I've posted...mainly because they are keeping me so busy these days. Let's see, what have we missed?

Eli & Ben both roll over both ways now. (And do it all the time!)

Eli has found his toes.

Both boys are sitting up by themselves...well, for a few seconds anyway!

Ben loves to bounce in the "Jonny Jumper." He even tries to jump when you're holding him in your lap. He loves it so much he bounced himself to sleep in it the other day!
Both boys are eating baby food, and love it!!

They're both, finally, getting some more hair.

They both love to grab everything in sight...including hair, neclaces & earrings!

Like I said, they keep us so busy these days. They are both so silly and make us laugh all the time. They're so good at that and they know it!

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