Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

B&E turned 8 months old this week, and Eli popped a tooth!! Daddy felt it in his mouth this morning at breakfast. Yesssss!!! The teeth are finally coming through! They've been working on them for months. I just hope the rest of the process starts to get easier for them. They've been sort of fussy lately and I think the teeth are definitely to blame.

We dressed up for Halloween this weekend. Ben and Eli were turtles. Aren't they cute! They weren't too thrilled about their costumes though. Matt and I went to a costume party on Saturday night. The theme was "Steven Speilberg Characters." We went as Tom Hanks & Catherine Zeta Jones from "The Terminal." Matt had lots of props, including a suitcase, plane tickets and a coffee can--which also doubled as a purse for me. What fun!

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