Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mommy's little piggies!

We started experimenting with more table food this week. I think I like the pureed stuff better though. It's much faster...and SO much cleaner!! The smiles speak for themselves though, they definitely liked Mommy's sloppy joes better than the pureed beef in jar!

They play together well now, too. Who knew pulling up on a stool could be so much fun?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First Santa Visit!

They did great, even though they don't look too excited in the picture. They were fascinated with Santa's beard! It will be interesting to see how well they do next year though! Only 14 days till their First Christmas. We can't wait until Monday when Jeff, Michaela, Anna & Zoe are here! So much fun ahead!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Update on the crawling...

We now have two crawlers!! Ben is always a day or two behind his brother, but when he finally does something, he does it with flare! He went from not crawling to RACING across the floor today! I think he could definitely take Eli on in a race. We'll try that little experiment over the weekend...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

He crawls!!!

Ok, so I said earlier that they're crawling around. Well, what I meant was that they were TRYING to crawl. Today, however Eli finally figured it out and actually got somewhere!! I guess he had to "One up" his brother since Ben has one more tooth than him. So competitive already....geesh! Also, click on this link for a special Christmas treat from the Psotas!

9 months...and SO BUSY!!!

Wow, so much is going on with these two now that I can hardly keep up! Let's see, Ben now has 2 teeth (he passed up his brother!) and both boys are starting to crawl. Look out! This past week they both had tubes put in their ears, so we're hoping for no more ear infections. That was driving us all crazy!! Already they seem so much happier. The doctor said they still had lots of fluid in their ears that he had to drain during the surgery. I think they noticed a difference right away.

We all went to Cleveland for Thanksgiving. While we were there we had some cute Christmas pictures taken. I'm not going to post them on here because I want to save them for the Christmas cards! We did go to Sears this past weekend though to get a few more taken. Here's what we came up with: (Ben is in the blue in both settings)