Sunday, December 2, 2007

9 months...and SO BUSY!!!

Wow, so much is going on with these two now that I can hardly keep up! Let's see, Ben now has 2 teeth (he passed up his brother!) and both boys are starting to crawl. Look out! This past week they both had tubes put in their ears, so we're hoping for no more ear infections. That was driving us all crazy!! Already they seem so much happier. The doctor said they still had lots of fluid in their ears that he had to drain during the surgery. I think they noticed a difference right away.

We all went to Cleveland for Thanksgiving. While we were there we had some cute Christmas pictures taken. I'm not going to post them on here because I want to save them for the Christmas cards! We did go to Sears this past weekend though to get a few more taken. Here's what we came up with: (Ben is in the blue in both settings)

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