Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Ok, so we finally, FINALLY had a snow day and I finally have some time to post on my blog. I have so many pictures on my camera from the holidays and such, and I thought I'd better get them on my computer (an onto my blog) before their 2-year birthdays roll around. Feb 25th is right around the corner!!

Christmas was an absolute blast this year!! (Well, except for the Santa visit.) I don't think Ben and Eli really ever got the whole concept of opening presents, but they sure had fun ripping the paper off. They were always more excited about playing with the wrapping paper and throwing it in the trash bag than they were about what was actually inside the package. I think their birthday will be a whole different experience though.

The highlight of Christmas was their Thomas the Tank Engine train table. I still can't believe how much they play with it!! No other toy has ever held their attention for more than 10 minutes...unless it's a book. Now that's another "Story!" They can still sit with a book and "Read" it forever. It's so cute!! They know all of their shapes, colors, animals, objects and even letters. It's amazing how you can randomly point to any letter of the alphabet and they can name it. They're so smart! (Ok, I'm a little biased...)

We also spent time with Grandma & Grandpa Psota over Christmas. Here's a picture of Ben & Eli and all their cousins!

They still love to sing too. They can sing all of "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad, ABC's, Away in a Manger, Jesus Loves Me, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star." It's so funny to hear them just bust out in song in the middle of nowhere, like when they're in bed or in the car. They just love to sing!!
We finally took the baby gates down and now they have free reign of the house. They're doing pretty well with it, and love running around in circles downstairs. I like the fact that they're getting more exercise! Last weekend we made our first attempt at potty training. We put them through "Potty Boot Camp!" I found the book on the internet and I think it's a pretty good system. They both did really well, but I don't think they're 100% ready to be trained just yet. Still, it was a good start. They now tell me when they go potty in their diapers, so I know they're at least aware of what is going on. Hey, it's a start!

Today we're going to go play in the big snow when they get up from their naps. Can't wait!! Ben has been wanting snow forever. He finally got it!! I'll try to post more pictures later. (I promise, Aunt Jaime!!)

Oh, and I couldn't end this one without a picture of my favorite "Naked cowboy!"

Enjoy, Y'all!

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