Tuesday, January 30, 2007

29 weeks!!

Wow, guess it's been awhile since I've posted. I've been so busy and time is flying by so fast...which is a good thing these days!
Here's a picture of our ultrasound from last week at 28 weeks. One is still breech and the other is vertex, or head-down. Isn't it funny how they used to get both heads and both bodies on the screen. Now they can barely fit one head! It's so hard to tell what the doctor is looking at now too. They're just getting so big!! They still weigh the same...yea! One is 2lbs 8oz, and the other is 2lbs 9oz. Right on schedule! I'm starting to see the doctor once a week now. I have another appointment today, but no ultrasound is scheduled. I'll keep you posted with any news...but I doubt if there will be anything too exciting. It's pretty much just sit and wait from here on out.

I can tell that the babies are starting to recognize lights & sounds now. If there's a loud noise they often "Jump" at it. Also, we've been putting a flashlight on my tummy and they seem to move around underneath it now. It's so fun! I feel sort of cruel doing that to them, but the nurse actually suggested it. She said it's a way of "Playing" with them. Ha!

I've had two baby showers now which have totally gotten me in the mood! My friend Ginger had one on the 21st with a few of my Indianapolis friends. I got lots of great things for the babies that I can't wait to use. Thanks girls!! It was just so nice seeing all of my buds again and hanging out with them "One last time" before mommyhood takes over my life!

I also had a huge shower this past weekend in Cleveland with Matt's family. It was also nice seeing everyone up there again. Many of them I hadn't seen since my wedding shower last year. We got most of our "Essential" items at that shower, so we're pretty much set now. I'm still waiting for the carpet to be laid in the nursery. When that's done I'll be able to wash and put all of this great stuff away.

I guess I'll have plenty of time to do all of that though. My doctor keeps hinting about me leaving work behind. I have a feeling he's going to tell me to start staying home pretty soon. Everything is going really well, but he said since I'm carrying twins he'd feel better & safer if I was at home resting more. We'll see what he says today.....

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