Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Baby pool is here!!

Thanks to Aunt Jenn for setting this up! I'll copy her e-mail message below and paste a copy of the official entry form. If you're interested in playing...and possibly winning some cash let us know. If you don't have our e-mail addresses just post a message in the "Comments" section below. I'll get back to you with the info.

Jenn's E-mail:

Attached is the official Twin Pool entry form. Please complete and return to either Matt and Holle Psota or send to me, Jenn Dougherty with $5 entry fee. Winner gets all unless there is a tie (would be impressive) then we split the pot. We accept check, cash or money order, make the check payable to whomever you are sending it to. The deadline for entries is March 1, 2007. The rules are as follows:
1. Must first guess the sexes of the babies-order of birth does not matter. Must get correct in order to qualify for (2).
2. The winner is the one who guesses the combined weight of the babies or is the closest. It does not matter if you are higher or lower than the total weight, the winner will be the closest guess. if there is a tie, go to (3).
3. The tie breaker is the combined length with the above rule applied.
4. If a tie still exists, the pot will be split.

If you have already entered, the (3) rule has been changed, so please send me a length guess.

Once all entries are received a list will be compiled and sent to the proud parents. It makes the delivery much more fun. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in playing.



Here's the official entry form. Just copy and paste it in an e-mail along with your guesses and $5. Send it to either Matt, myself or Jenn along with your $5 if you want to play! If you need addresses let me know in the comments below and I'll get them to you. I just didn't want to post them to the public on this blog.

Matt and Holle's Baby Pool
$5 per entry. Complete entry form (Must have sexes correct, then
closest to the combined weight is winner, length is tie-breaker)
1. Pick Sexes - circle only one combo
2. Pick combined weight for both babies in lbs. and ozs.
3. Pick combined length in inches

**Entry Deadline is March 1, 2007

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