Monday, February 5, 2007

30 1/2 weeks & NO MORE WORK!!!!!

Ok, it's been awhile again. I'm proud to say that I'm FINALLY done with work!! Ask me again in about 2 weeks and I'll probably tell you I'm bored to tears though. I still have at least 5-6 weeks to go (hopefully), but my doctors really wanted me to take it easy from here on out. With the weather being as nasty as it has been, I didn't argue!

Maybe now I'll have more time for the blog. I just can't wait to start putting pictures of the little ones up on here!! In some ways it seems like this pregnancy has dragged out, but in other ways I can't believe how fast it's flown by. I have one more baby shower this weekend with some good friends of mine up in Indianapolis. It's been so fun hanging out with everyone, family and friends, over the past few weekends at showers and such. Thank you all who have helped us out with gifts and all the great hand-me-downs. I think we're all set! I'll show some pictures of some of the cute stuff we got. I just love the high chairs...and can you believe the size of this stroller!!! I can't imagine pusing it through the grocery store aisles. As for the umbrella stollers...we found these cool connectors that turn it into a double. Can't wait to use this stuff!!!

I know...
what's up with the facial hair??? I don't get it either. He's happy though, so I'll let it go for now. I told him to shave before the babies are born though. I don't want him to scare them!!!!


Al Psota said...

Are those directions on the floor next to the stroller?

Anonymous said...

Had to make sure all the parts were present.