Sunday, March 4, 2007

Ben & Eli 1 week old!!

Wow, what a difference a week makes! Ben & Eli have both been thriving very well over the past week. It's hard to believe it's already been a full 7 days!

Both boys are off all of their breathing devices and are breathing normal room air. Ben's lungs still have a little more developing to do compared to Eli's, but he's the better eater. Both boys are eating breastmilk through a tube and will probably start to bottle feed within the next few days.

Eli was the first to show signs of jaundice so they put him under the billi-lights for a couple of days. He's out from under them now, but Ben still had one on last night. He should be out from under his soon as well. (Pictured left is Eli)

Other than that, things are going really well and the boys have shown remarkable progress! We still have no definite time frame as to when they will go home, but we're hoping within the next two weeks or so. They need to continue to gain weight consistently for 5 days in a row and show that they can bottle/breastfeed before they're released. Keep praying for no new setbacks and we should be on the road home soon!

Most importantly, daddy and I have had lots of chances to hold the boys now. We're bonding very well and just love the little buys so much!!! We still don't know if they're identical or fraternal, but we can definitely tell them apart. We'll post more pictures over the next few days so you can decide for yourselves!
(Pictured right is Ben)

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