Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The boys were released from the NICU yesterday and, after 2 weeks and 1 day they FINALLY got to come home! Upon release, they both weighed exactly 4 pounds, 14 ounces. Both are feeding well and should continue to grow into healthy, big boys now. We're so excited to have them home!!

(Christy is to the right, Karen to the left)

It was really hard saying goodbye to our favorite NICU nurses though. Christy was their primary day nurse and Karen was there at night. They were both so helpful and sweet. Matt & I and the boys were so attached! We're happy to have them out of the hospital, but we will miss everyone there so much. We promise to keep in touch and share pictures though!
PS. Just in case Christy and Karen are reading this, we wanted to let you know that our trip home was a smooth one and our first night was pretty uneventful. Matt turned his hazard flashers off once we passed Greenwood on the southside of Indy, but the grip marks from his hands are still present on my steering wheel. He was also the first to get initiated (ie. "Sprayed") by one of the boys. No really, he's doing a great job at being a dad. He's holding Ben right now, who is a little fussy at the moment. I think he got him to calm down though. Eli is asleep in the pack-n-play.

The boys will have their first outing tomorrow, as we have an appointment with their pediatritian in the morning. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that all is progressing as can be expected with those sweet boys. I truly miss them & am so glad everyone is adjusting well.Please send more pictures.