Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3 weeks old!

Here are some pictures of Ben and Eli that we took over the past week. They're changing so much already! We had another doctor's appointment this week and found out that they now weigh a whopping 6 pounds!! That's a pound and a half more than they did 3 weeks ago at birth. Way to go boys!!!

Grandma & Grandpa Psota came to visit last weekend as well as Aunt Jenn and Nana & Grandpa Terkhorn. We've also had lots of visits from friends and neighbors as well. We love visitors!!!

To answer the infamous question: yes, we can definitely tell them apart. We're 99.9% certain that they're fraternal. Eli is wrapped in his cute little frog towel (Thanks, Meko!) and Ben is the one below in the sleeper. I've noticed an adorable set of dimples on my little Ben and his face is much fuller and longer. Eli has a wider face and chubbier cheeks. He also has a mole on his left leg, just in case we decide later on that we can't tell them apart again!
The other day Eli found his thumb! This helps when the pacifiers fall out, but getting him to remember that it's there has been a problem. Both boys are eating very well now. Mommy and daddy are hoping the doctor tells them they can drop one feeding during the night very soon!!!! We've learned that they don't like for us to wake them at night to feed. If they wake on their own they're much, much happier! Nights have been a little crazy, but that was to be expected. Dad and I have a system down where we can usually get them both changed, fed and back to sleep in 45-60 minutes. That leaves 2 hours of sleep before we have to wake and do it all over again!
Both boys are asleep in their swings right now. Not sure how long that will last so I'm going to catch a shower (and maybe a nap) while I can!!!
Thanks for visiting our web page. If you haven't stopped by the house to see us, please feel free to come by anytime!!

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