Friday, March 30, 2007

One Month Old!!!

Well, the boys turned the big 1-month last Sunday. It's so hard to's all gone so fast! We think they made a little mistake at the doctor last week when they said they weighed 6 pounds each. We took them back in this week and they were 5.11 and 5.14. The doctor said that was actually more like what they should weigh for being 4-weeks old, so we're throwing out their old weights. Yesterday they weighed 5.15 each, so I'm hopeful that they'll finally be over the 6 pound mark by Monday. I can tell they're gaining weight in their faces and legs. They're getting much chubbier now--& cuter too, might I add! (If that's even possible!)

When they're asleep they look so much alike! When they're awake though, they look totally different. What do you think??

(The first two pictures are of Ben. Then we have Eli & (Screaming) Ben and B&W Eli & Ben. The last picture is of Eli.)

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