Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Getting SOOO big!!

<------Grabbing onto a toy for the first time!!!
Well, the boys are now 8 weeks, and I'm officially past my due date! I was afraid they'd be 7 weeks behind a normal baby's schedule, but I think they're catching up fast. All the books say that they'll be a little behind developmentally, since they were preemies, but I think they'll be caught up soon. They're starting to hold their heads up and smile on cue. They also weigh over 8 1/2 pounds!!!
Watching "Baby Einstein" --------->

<---- Sharing a pillow Aunt Julie was here this week too, which was so awesome! Matt and I got so much accomplished. We even ventured out to look at some new minivans. I can't believe we're getting one! Anyway, she was such a huge help. Thanks, Jules!!

<--- Julie Multi-tasking!
Last night Matt and I had a breakthrough with them sleeping at night. I read a little more of my "Baby Wise" book and learned how to properly let them cry themselves to sleep. It seems that maybe we were holding them too much before. It was hard to do, but we let them cry in their cribs after each feeding and they both, miraculously went to sleep on their own. They also slept for 4.5-5 hours between feedings. Woo hoo!!!!

I also had to share this picture of my hot, "Spanish pool boy!" Actually, Matt was carrying one of the boys while sweeping the pool & trying to keep the sun out of his face. I just had to get a picture!! Matt keeps telling me to get a big hat to shade them while I'm carrying them outside. I jokingly remembered the sombrrero we had with the Halloween stuff & brought it out to him. If you can tell, he is holding a baby too. So funny & so cute!! (Click on any of the pictures to enlarge)

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