Friday, May 4, 2007

We've doubled our weight!

It's hard to believe that they're now twice as big as they were when they were born. They're getting so chunky around the cheeks and legs. I love it!!!

We're patiently waiting for smiles to start cracking. Eli stared at me the entire time he was taking his bottle this morning and smiled really big towards the end of it. I think he meant it too! They smile a lot in their sleep and stuff, just not when you're looking right at them. I know it will happen any day now and by their baptism next weekend they'll probably be grinning at everyone!

They're holding their heads up really well now, which makes it so much easier to carry them around. We also love the Baby Bjorn! Without that little thing I think I'd go crazy!

I'm going back to work :( on May 29th. We have an appointment today with their Daycare sitters. It's going to be the hardest day of my life leaving them there on my first day of work, but I've listened to so many of my friends who have done the same thing and I know I'll make it.

The boys got their first round of shots last week. They were a little fussy for awhile, but overall it went well. I think it was harder on me then on them!

Not much else to share. I'll have more pictures after the baptism!

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