Tuesday, May 22, 2007

3 months old!

We made our first trip to Cleveland this past weekend. It was also the boys' first overnight trip as well. They were great on both the ride up and back! We bought a new Odyssey Minivan (I know, "Welcome to the club!") last week and that made the trip so easy. They slept through both trips!
I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked. This one is from Monday morning. I went to take a shower and when I came back into our room Daddy was sound asleep and so were the boys. Playing sure wears you out sometimes! Daddy also caught them holding hands one night after we put them to "Bed" in the pack-n-play. They're not used to sleeping in the same bed, but they did very well at Grandma's house. Obviously they liked it!

I also got pictures of Great-Grandma Psota & Great-Grandma Scicchitano with the boys. It was their first time meeting them!

They're starting to suck on their fists and grab onto things this week. Smiles are also getting better, bigger and more frequent every day. Ben has started making lots of voice sounds too. Eli does a few, but Ben can really entertain himself now with all of his "Ooh's and Aahh's!"

Tonight we're going to the lake. If we take the boys for their first big boat ride I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

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