Wednesday, February 20, 2008

5 days till B-day!!!

Okay, okay, I've been getting a lot of heat for not keeping up with the blog lately. I have an excuse though...well, make that two! The boys have been so active lately, I can hardly keep up with them! As you can see from the pictures, they are into everything and getting so sneaky, too! That's Ben with the box of Kleenex and Eli hiding behind the toy basket under the TV. They are just getting cuter and cuter by the minute, though. Let's see, what has happened since my last post?

Eli has 2 new teeth (canines) on the top row. His front two teeth are black & blue under the gums, but not poking through yet. Poor guy! I know he'll be much happier once they're in. Ben, however still has only his two bottom teeth. I don't see any signs of top teeth coming anytime soon for him either. Ben's new trick is to make funny noises by blowing air through his lips. He does it all the time! Eli has learned to say "Ah-Oh." He loves to drop things from his high chair & say it. It's so cute!

Ben is getting really good at balancing. I thought he would be the first to walk because he can go from sitting to standing without holding onto anything. He's tried to take a step, but can't do more than one or two. Eli just tried to take a couple of steps tonight too. He's a little wobblier, but can push the walker-toys around pretty well. It will be interesting to see who walks first. They're both so close!

I spent my first full week away from the boys this month. I had a meeting in the Bahamas and The boys stayed with my parents for three of the nights while I was there so that Matt could come down and join me for a few days. The weather was great, the location was awesome, we had a blast, but I don't think I've ever been so homesick in my life!! We all survived though...including my parents!

As you can tell from the pictures, they are both great eaters! They are frequrent members of the "Clean plate club" and have yet to refuse anything that I have given them. Eli even ate a pickle the other night without even making a face. I'm so amazed at what and how much they eat!!

The boys both weigh 21.5 pounds now so they are .5 pounds away from being "Too big" for their infant car seats. We've already purchased their toddler seats but are holding out as long as we can to switch them. The baby seats are so nice because they pop in and out of the car and you can carry them around in them. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get them in and out of daycare by myself once we switch to the new seats. I'm guessing a stroller will be involved!

Well, Monday is their big 1st birthday. I can't believe how quickly this year has FLOWN by!!! We're having a family birthday party on March 1st for the little ones. I'll be sure to post pictures of the big event!!

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