Tuesday, February 26, 2008


We made it!! I've said it a million times this week and I'll say it again, "I can't believe it's been a year!!" I don't think the boys had a clue what all the attention was about either. Matt and I went up to get them out of bed in the morning singing "Happy Birthday" with the video camera rolling.

They just jumped and giggled as usual. Then we got them all dressed and took them to daycare. I brought cupcakes in to their classroom that afternoon. It was their first experience with chocolate. What a mess!! I hope the parents of the other kids in the classroom don't kill me. All the kids were such a mess, but they loved it!
Ben was asleep when I got there, so Eli went out in the hall and played on the "Big kid" toys for awhile.

Then we came home and fixed (and burned) daddy dinner, as usual. They opened their presents from Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Margaret (Teachers at school). They got them the cutest toys and puzzles. Thanks guys!! We didn't have any more cupcakes so daddy and I put candles in two ice cream sandwiches and sang to them again. We didn't let them eat too much, but we left it in front of them long enough to make a mess...again! Then they went straight up to the bathtub!

We ended the night by talking to Grandma & Grandpa Psota on the webcam. They're coming this Friday for the "Real" birthday party we're having this weekend. I'll post more pictures from it later!

Happy Birthday guys!!!!


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