Saturday, May 17, 2008

Just plain silly!!!

They took a catnap on the ride home tonight and were wired once we got home. Let's just say they were NOT ready for bed at their usual bedtime tonight!! Here's a little video clip of them playing around and being silly. In it you'll see what Ben learned today: "Jazz hands!" He keeps us entertained, that's for sure! Eli is just being his usual, silly self. He loves to pose for the camera!

Let's see, what else is new this week? Eli has a new tooth on the bottom. That makes 7 now! Ben has been slobbering all over, so I think he has a new one coming in somewhere too. Teething is such a joy! I can't wait till the molars start coming in...AAAAH!!! Ben also learned that he can walk backwards. He's pretty impressed with himself when he does it too. So funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.