Monday, June 2, 2008

First day of Toddlers!

My boys just keep growing, and growing! Today is the first day they officially transition from "Infants" to "Toddlers" at daycare. I just had to take a picture!

****UPDATE****: The boys had such a big day at school today! They played with Play Dough, painted something (obviously brown), and played on the climbers in the classroom. They even took naps on little cots instead of their usual baby cribs! I thought they'd struggle with the cots at first, but their teacher said they went right to sleep. They must have been worn out by nap time! I also asked her how they did at lunch time and she said they ate so much they had to call the cafeteria to bring them more!! Mommy loves her little piggies!!! They were so excited to see me this afternoon when I picked them up. Usually they fuss and cry when I come to get them, but today they just looked like they'd had a good time and were happy to see me. Yea!! We came home after a long day at school, ate some dinner and played in the swimming pool. Wow, it was a big day for a couple of 1-year-olds. Needless to say, they were ready to crash by 8:00 tonight. I'm sure they'll sleep well, too!!!

We had our first weekend at the lake this year too. The boys did great! They loved eating at their new little table that Nana got them. I found that it was easier to just put it in the yard at mealtimes instead of inside the cabin. Less to clean!
They also enjoyed playing in the water...and eating sand from the beach. Boys will be boys!

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