Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Baby pool is here!!

Thanks to Aunt Jenn for setting this up! I'll copy her e-mail message below and paste a copy of the official entry form. If you're interested in playing...and possibly winning some cash let us know. If you don't have our e-mail addresses just post a message in the "Comments" section below. I'll get back to you with the info.

Jenn's E-mail:

Attached is the official Twin Pool entry form. Please complete and return to either Matt and Holle Psota or send to me, Jenn Dougherty with $5 entry fee. Winner gets all unless there is a tie (would be impressive) then we split the pot. We accept check, cash or money order, make the check payable to whomever you are sending it to. The deadline for entries is March 1, 2007. The rules are as follows:
1. Must first guess the sexes of the babies-order of birth does not matter. Must get correct in order to qualify for (2).
2. The winner is the one who guesses the combined weight of the babies or is the closest. It does not matter if you are higher or lower than the total weight, the winner will be the closest guess. if there is a tie, go to (3).
3. The tie breaker is the combined length with the above rule applied.
4. If a tie still exists, the pot will be split.

If you have already entered, the (3) rule has been changed, so please send me a length guess.

Once all entries are received a list will be compiled and sent to the proud parents. It makes the delivery much more fun. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in playing.



Here's the official entry form. Just copy and paste it in an e-mail along with your guesses and $5. Send it to either Matt, myself or Jenn along with your $5 if you want to play! If you need addresses let me know in the comments below and I'll get them to you. I just didn't want to post them to the public on this blog.

Matt and Holle's Baby Pool
$5 per entry. Complete entry form (Must have sexes correct, then
closest to the combined weight is winner, length is tie-breaker)
1. Pick Sexes - circle only one combo
2. Pick combined weight for both babies in lbs. and ozs.
3. Pick combined length in inches

**Entry Deadline is March 1, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

29 weeks!!

Wow, guess it's been awhile since I've posted. I've been so busy and time is flying by so fast...which is a good thing these days!
Here's a picture of our ultrasound from last week at 28 weeks. One is still breech and the other is vertex, or head-down. Isn't it funny how they used to get both heads and both bodies on the screen. Now they can barely fit one head! It's so hard to tell what the doctor is looking at now too. They're just getting so big!! They still weigh the same...yea! One is 2lbs 8oz, and the other is 2lbs 9oz. Right on schedule! I'm starting to see the doctor once a week now. I have another appointment today, but no ultrasound is scheduled. I'll keep you posted with any news...but I doubt if there will be anything too exciting. It's pretty much just sit and wait from here on out.

I can tell that the babies are starting to recognize lights & sounds now. If there's a loud noise they often "Jump" at it. Also, we've been putting a flashlight on my tummy and they seem to move around underneath it now. It's so fun! I feel sort of cruel doing that to them, but the nurse actually suggested it. She said it's a way of "Playing" with them. Ha!

I've had two baby showers now which have totally gotten me in the mood! My friend Ginger had one on the 21st with a few of my Indianapolis friends. I got lots of great things for the babies that I can't wait to use. Thanks girls!! It was just so nice seeing all of my buds again and hanging out with them "One last time" before mommyhood takes over my life!

I also had a huge shower this past weekend in Cleveland with Matt's family. It was also nice seeing everyone up there again. Many of them I hadn't seen since my wedding shower last year. We got most of our "Essential" items at that shower, so we're pretty much set now. I'm still waiting for the carpet to be laid in the nursery. When that's done I'll be able to wash and put all of this great stuff away.

I guess I'll have plenty of time to do all of that though. My doctor keeps hinting about me leaving work behind. I have a feeling he's going to tell me to start staying home pretty soon. Everything is going really well, but he said since I'm carrying twins he'd feel better & safer if I was at home resting more. We'll see what he says today.....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

28-week belly shot

Okay, I had a bare belly pic up for about 1/2 a day, then I decided I had to remove it. I didn't want to gross anyone out! Here's my fully clothed belly now. It's hard to believe that each child inside me has about 3 more pounds to gain before they're born. 3 pounds or more, that is!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Almost 28 weeks

Hello! I just had to post a Psota family picture that was taken over the holidays. I had one of my family in a previous post, so this one is a little over due. Don't we look great!
Again, nothing too exciting going on this week. For some reason my blood pressure has been a little on the high side when I visit the doctor. I've been monitoring it at home and it's been nice and low. I guess I tend to get nervous and it shoots up before I go in to the doctor. (If you're wondering why I get a little tense at the doc's office, read back to my 13-week post!!!) Luckily I haven't had any swelling anywhere or protein in my urine so the doctors aren't too concerned about it. They just asked me to keep a log of it at home for now. I'm also going to check my monitor against theirs on Monday when I go in for my next appointment. Other than that, things are going really well. We can feel little bumps everywhere in my tummy now where the babies are. It's so cool! It used to just feel like a big bag of water, but now we can actually feel the babies in there. Sometimes if you press lightly on them they'll kick you back. We can also see them moving from the outside all the time too. It's so strange & cool!

We watched the National Geographic special "In the Womb: Multiples" on Sunday. It was pretty cool. They basically said that after 26 weeks the twins will recognize & start interacting with each other inside the womb. So far I think ours like each other and are "Getting along" pretty well. ;)

I'm still feeling pretty well, but sleeping at night is becoming more of a challenge. We put a Lazy Boy up in our room now and I sleep in it sometimes if it's more comfortable. I guess this is all Mother Nature's way of preparing us both for many interrupted nights ahead. I'm getting used to functioning on very little sleep these days. Speaking of sleep, it's almost 9:30pm now and I'm surprised I'm still awake. I better be heading off to bed soon.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

27 weeks and counting!

Well, we had another quick appointment this week. Nothing too exciting, as usual. I took my mom with me this time in hopes that she would get to see an ultrasound. I've only had one appointment so far where they haven't given me one. Lo, and behold they were busy and didn't do one this time. Dr. Albers was able to get two heartbeats right away with the doppler so they didn't bother. Go figure! I also had to do the glucose test this week which I'm still waiting to hear the results from. Let's hope they don't call me back with bad news! All I need is for someone to tell me no more sweets for the next 2 months!!!

I asked the doctor what I should expect from here on out. He said they'd start seeing me weekly at about 30 weeks. He also said that he usually takes twins at 36 weeks...which is only 9 weeks away!! Yikes!!! I guess that means we'd better hurry up with the nursery and the rest of the upstairs in our house. We're ready to order the carpet and we've almost finished the bathroom. Matt just has to put the toilet back in and the wood strips back around the walls. I'll take a picture when it's all finished. It looks great!!

Matt also put together the new cribs. This isn't how we're going to arrange them in the room though. We're going to have to move them when the carpet installers come anyway, but we just couldn't wait to see how they looked! It's a good thing we put them together too, because one of them was missing a small piece. They're supposed to be ordering it for us though.

I'll post another belly pic when I have time. I've completely passed the "Cute-pregnant" stage by now. I'm still very comfortable though, so that's good. Sleeping is getting a little tough, but I can't complain too much. The babies are kicking me almost constantly now and we can feel little heads, butts & feet when we push on my tummy. It's so awesome being able to reach down and feel them whenever I want! The kicks are starting to feel more like rolls now too. I guess they're about 2 pounds each now, and they're supposed to be in more of a fetal position rather than arms & legs all over the place like they were before.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Woo-hoo! Countdown days are now in double digits!!

Even though my countown tickers above show my 40-week due date (Which I'll never make it to...or at least I hope not!!!) I was just excited to see that it's under 100 days now. I'm officially 26 weeks today and I'd like to keep these guys in until 36-37 weeks. I can't believe that it's only 10 weeks away! Any earlier than that and they might have some problems...any later than that and I might be the one with problems!!!

I just had to attach this picture of my niece. She's such a diva! We had so much fun with them over the holidays. They're back in Germany now & we miss them so much. Can't wait to see them again in April/May! I also attached another fun family picture from my side of the family. We also got pictures taken with the Psota's, but I haven't received them yet. I'll try to post them soon though.

Hope everyone's having a good 2007 so far!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Kick me!

Ok, so it's almost 11:30 pm. Today was my first day back to work after a nice, long Christmas vacation. I should be asleep!! I didn't feel the babies move much today, which is very unusual. Needless to say, I was a little paranoid tonight. They've been so active lately otherwise!

Anyway, I decided to try the usual remedy to wake them up. So I ate not one, but two spoonfuls of peanut butter and drank some OJ---which, by the way do NOT go together well, but it's what's recommended for this little experiment. Protein & sugar are supposed to get them going.

20 minutes went by and still, no movement. I was getting so frustrated!!! Then, all of the sudden the party began. They're kicking & rolling all over the place now!! Matt tried to stay up with me at first, but he just fell asleep. I hate to wake him now, so I thought I'd post my excitement here instead. I'm such a worry wart!!

Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Hope all of you are getting your "Kicks" out of reading this as well. Have a good night!