Saturday, November 11, 2006

13 weeks...MORE BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it was time for my second visit to Dr. Davis. I knew this was supposed to be a quick check up (No ultrasound) so I told Matt he didn't have to go with me to this one. Big mistake!!!

Dr. Davis had trouble locating a heartbeat with the doppler device. This was definitely the scaries thing I've ever experienced. He said not to worry though because at 13 weeks, sometimes the heartbeat is hard to hear. He did a quick ultrasound just to check everything out though.

So in we go into another exam room. He stuck the little wand on my belly and immediately I noticed that this one looked different than our last one. He got a heartbeat, but there were lines all over the place. I wasn't sure what to make of it, and he wasn't saying much either.

He said that he needed to go check my chart out in the hall for a minute. I asked him, "First can you tell me if you heard a heartbeat?"

He said, "Yeah, there's a heartbeat alright. Don't worry, I'll be right back..." He came back in the room with my chart (Smiling) and said, "Holle, did we talk about the possibility of TWINS the last time you were here?"
It's all pretty much a blur after that for me. He showed me two heads, two bodies and two heartbeats on the monitor. I about died! He reassured me that everything was healthy and normal and that I'd start seeing him bi-weekly from now on.

I went out to the parking lot in front of his office (bawling my eyes out at this point) and immediately called Matt. I asked him if he was sitting down and then told him that we were having TWINS. He thought it was great news and said he was on his way home right away.

I called my mom on my way home (still bawling) and told her the news. She was so excited & announced it to everyone at her office! I called my dad too & he was so thrilled. Everyone was thrilled...everyone but me!

We got home and he just held me for like 20 minutes while I cried. It had been such a rollercoaster of a morning!! I was just so glad that everything was okay though. We called his parents (it was his Dad's birthday) and they were all so happy.
Matt's favorite comment was from my brother, Mike. He sent me a random text message and I just wrote him back and said, "I'm having twins." His response: "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" That's been a favorite saying of ours ever since.

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