Saturday, November 11, 2006

17 weeks...another ultrasound!!

Finally...another ultrasound! This one went really well too. Dr. Albers saw me this time. Matt and I got to watch another ultrasound, which is like the coolest thing you could ever do with your spouse. It's all starting to seem so real and we're both totally excited about the whole "Twin-thing" now! It's so fun seeing your little ones swimming around on the screen. I still can't believe they're in there!

This was a nice, long ultrasound too. He checked everything out & it all looked good. I can't believe how big the babies are getting!! They're about 7 oz each now. I think I'm feeling little movements, but I'm not sure. I guess I'll know soon enough...

Oh, did I tell you...I'm huge now! I guess it's obvious to the public that I'm pregnant. I'm totally into maternity clothes and I look like I could deliver any minute. I'm not even half way there yet! I'll post a belly pic soon. Here are our ultrasound pictures from this time though...

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