Saturday, November 11, 2006

9 1/2 weeks...time for our first appointment and ultrasound!!

I could hardly sleep the night before. I still can't believe that there's a human being growing inside of me! I just hope that the doctor says that everything is okay...

Into the exam room we go. Matt got to see why every girl hates going to the doctor. Dr. Davis did a full exam, breast exam & pap test. Fun stuff! Then he asked me a bunch of questions & re-calculated my due date. Still April 13th.

Then the fun began...we finally got to see our "Little bean" on tv! He/she was dancing around & waving at us. Heartbeat was a strong 170 bpm! Doctor printed our our baby's "First Picture" and gave us the good news that everything looked good & healthy.

This made it seem so real to us. Matt's still a little nervous about telling people, but I think we'll go ahead and tell immediate family. We'll wait a few more weeks to tell friends & stuff...

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