Saturday, November 11, 2006

Before visiting the doctor...

How am I feeling? Great! Boobs are sore, but that's about it. I've bought all the "Necessary" books and have begun reading everything. There's so much to learn!

No morning sickness at all. I had a horrible headache the other night though--worst headache I've ever had in my life. Matt sat up with me at 3am holding ice packs on my head. I finally broke down and took a Tylenol & went back to sleep.

Other than that, this pregnancy thing is pretty easy!

It's kind of cool having this huge secret that only Matt and I know. We talk about it every waking minute. I feel fat, but I know it's just bloating & stuff. I look gross in a bathing suit. It's so hard keeping this from my Mom!!! I'll probably tell her soon though. I need a woman to talk to!

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