Monday, November 27, 2006

Back from our Disney Thanksgiving vacation

We're baaaaack! Disney was a blast. We got a condo with Matt's family, 11 of us in all. We fixed a turkey dinner on Thursday and headed to the Magic Kingdom on Friday. Saturday I met my cousin Pete & his wife Amy and we headed home on Sunday. The weather was really nice the whole time. We even got in the outdoor pool a few times. All in all it was a nice little getaway, except for the flu outbreak. Somehow Matt and I both managed to dodge the bullet, however the rest of the group was not so lucky. Sounds like they all had a pretty eventful flight home yesterday.

We had another doctor's appointment today and everything went well. They did another ultrasound and measured everything again. The kiddos are about 13 ounces each now and are both the same size...which is great! All of my bloodwork came back "Normal" too so that's one less thing to worry about also. So far so good!

Monday, November 20, 2006

19 weeks 3 days

Here it is...the latest belly pic! We'll see what it looks like next week after lots of turkey!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Ok, finally a picture. I absolutely HATE this one, which was taken over 2 weeks ago. I left my camera at a friend's house so I haven't been able to take any more lately. I'm a little bigger in the belly now though. My hair is greasy/messy in this one because I've been playing with my 2 1/2 year-old niece. If I look worn out it's because I was! We had so much fun with her here that week!!

We started our parenting classes this week. So far we just covered what labor feels like, who to call, when to go to the hospital, where to go, etc. We love our instructor! We found out that she lives right around the corner from us. I hope she is in the delivery room when we're in there. Her husband works with Matt too. Small world!

At the end of the class we did about 10 minutes of relaxation exercises. I think they were meant for the moms, but the coaches got to participate too. Of course, MINE FELL ASLEEP!!! Our instructor dimmed the lights, played relaxing music and asked us to breathe, relax, etc. Next thing I know Matt is snoozing away. TYPICAL for those of you who know him! I reached over and touched his hand and, thankfully, he shook awake. I'm just glad I didn't have to go through one of those embarassing struggles to try and wake him!

I had another appointment today too. 19 weeks! Everything looks great! I wasn't supposed to have an ultrasound, but they did one anyway. Dr. Albers did a heartbeat check and found one right away. He said, "Well, there it is. Nice and strong." and then lifted the thing off of me.

I then asked, "What about the other one?"

He checked my chart and said, "Oh yeah, you're having twins. Let's just go take a look at them instead." He didn't get much of a picture this time, but I'll go ahead and post it anyway. It's just mostly legs & stuff.

Normally I would be a little frustrated with them, but I was just happy to get to see the little buggers again! They were kicking and moving all over the place! I'm still having trouble feeling them though. I've been feeling little "Flutters" for weeks, but no definite kicks yet. I'm sure they'll be here soon though.

Well, we're off to Disney World next week for Thanksgiving with the Psotas. We'll update you more then!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

PS. Dr. Albers asked us before the last ultrasound if we wanted to find out the sexes, but we said no. Matt and I both decided that we want it to be a surprise in the end! We also don't know if the twins are fraternal or identical. At this point, it's too late to tell until they are born. We're just hoping for two happy, healthy babies in the end!

17 weeks...another ultrasound!!

Finally...another ultrasound! This one went really well too. Dr. Albers saw me this time. Matt and I got to watch another ultrasound, which is like the coolest thing you could ever do with your spouse. It's all starting to seem so real and we're both totally excited about the whole "Twin-thing" now! It's so fun seeing your little ones swimming around on the screen. I still can't believe they're in there!

This was a nice, long ultrasound too. He checked everything out & it all looked good. I can't believe how big the babies are getting!! They're about 7 oz each now. I think I'm feeling little movements, but I'm not sure. I guess I'll know soon enough...

Oh, did I tell you...I'm huge now! I guess it's obvious to the public that I'm pregnant. I'm totally into maternity clothes and I look like I could deliver any minute. I'm not even half way there yet! I'll post a belly pic soon. Here are our ultrasound pictures from this time though...
15 weeks--Next appointment...Matt came with me this time!

We were a little disappointed that we didn't get another ultrasound at this one. For some reason, I thought we would. Dr. Davis said I'd get them at every other appointment from now on though.

We heard the heartbeats (Both of them!) on the doppler this time!! He said that everything was measuring just fine and that all was okay. I was so relieved!!
Getting used to the idea...

Ok, I admit. I was a basket case at first. I cried for like 3 days. I called all of my girlfriends for support. I talked to other mothers of twins & they all were so nice. I put all of my pregnancy books away because I figured they pretty much didn't apply to me anymore. I was "High risk" now and so worried about the whole thing.

Did I mention the migraines came back. Yes, they did, and with a vengance!

All of the sudden though, I started getting used to the idea. I knew that God wouldn't give us more than we could handle. I also trusted that if something looked wrong, the doctor would have said something. I just had to hope that everything was okay.
13 weeks...MORE BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it was time for my second visit to Dr. Davis. I knew this was supposed to be a quick check up (No ultrasound) so I told Matt he didn't have to go with me to this one. Big mistake!!!

Dr. Davis had trouble locating a heartbeat with the doppler device. This was definitely the scaries thing I've ever experienced. He said not to worry though because at 13 weeks, sometimes the heartbeat is hard to hear. He did a quick ultrasound just to check everything out though.

So in we go into another exam room. He stuck the little wand on my belly and immediately I noticed that this one looked different than our last one. He got a heartbeat, but there were lines all over the place. I wasn't sure what to make of it, and he wasn't saying much either.

He said that he needed to go check my chart out in the hall for a minute. I asked him, "First can you tell me if you heard a heartbeat?"

He said, "Yeah, there's a heartbeat alright. Don't worry, I'll be right back..." He came back in the room with my chart (Smiling) and said, "Holle, did we talk about the possibility of TWINS the last time you were here?"
It's all pretty much a blur after that for me. He showed me two heads, two bodies and two heartbeats on the monitor. I about died! He reassured me that everything was healthy and normal and that I'd start seeing him bi-weekly from now on.

I went out to the parking lot in front of his office (bawling my eyes out at this point) and immediately called Matt. I asked him if he was sitting down and then told him that we were having TWINS. He thought it was great news and said he was on his way home right away.

I called my mom on my way home (still bawling) and told her the news. She was so excited & announced it to everyone at her office! I called my dad too & he was so thrilled. Everyone was thrilled...everyone but me!

We got home and he just held me for like 20 minutes while I cried. It had been such a rollercoaster of a morning!! I was just so glad that everything was okay though. We called his parents (it was his Dad's birthday) and they were all so happy.
Matt's favorite comment was from my brother, Mike. He sent me a random text message and I just wrote him back and said, "I'm having twins." His response: "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" That's been a favorite saying of ours ever since.
12 weeks...Told our friends!

I'm officially almost out of my first trimester and am dying to tell my close friends!! We called most of them and Matt sent out an email to all of his work buddies.
I told the rest of my family this weekend too. It's so exciting telling everyone!! We showed them our little picture too. (It was taken at 9 1/2 weeks).
Here...I'll post it so you can see it too: (You might have to click on it to see it.)
11 weeks...Starting to show....already!

I had a meeting this week for work & knew I'd be uncomfortable in my regular pants. Maternity pants are so much more comfortable at this point, even though all of my books say I shouldn't be showing much yet. Ha!

I haven't gained much weight, but I'm definitely taking on a slightly pregnant-belly shape.

I decided to call my boss & break the news to her before the meeting. I told my other regional members at the meeting too. There's another pregnant girl in our region & a guy whose wife is due next year. Our region is very fertile!!
Told the Psotas!!

Unfortunately Matt had to leave for Mexico right after our appointment. (Of course he went home and watched our video of the ultrasound like 5 times first!) We decided to wait until Thursday when he got back to tell his parents the news.

We called them first. Matt broke the news to his mother by saying that I'd be spoiling her birthday next year. (Her birthday is the 17th). She got it right away and was SO EXCITED!! It was so much fun telling them!!! Jenn was in the room with her kids, so she knew right away too. We talked to them for awhile and then called the other siblings as well, including my brother's Jeff & Mike. So fun!!!

My mom was relieved that she could finally talk about it with people. She's been about to bust keeping this big secret for almost 3 weeks! We've decided to keep it from the grandparents for a few more weeks though.
9 1/2 weeks...time for our first appointment and ultrasound!!

I could hardly sleep the night before. I still can't believe that there's a human being growing inside of me! I just hope that the doctor says that everything is okay...

Into the exam room we go. Matt got to see why every girl hates going to the doctor. Dr. Davis did a full exam, breast exam & pap test. Fun stuff! Then he asked me a bunch of questions & re-calculated my due date. Still April 13th.

Then the fun began...we finally got to see our "Little bean" on tv! He/she was dancing around & waving at us. Heartbeat was a strong 170 bpm! Doctor printed our our baby's "First Picture" and gave us the good news that everything looked good & healthy.

This made it seem so real to us. Matt's still a little nervous about telling people, but I think we'll go ahead and tell immediate family. We'll wait a few more weeks to tell friends & stuff...
6 1/2 weeks pregnant...Told my parents!

Ok, I can't wait anymore! All of these weird things are going on with me and I just need to tell my mom. They came over tonight and we told them our "Big news!" I had taken a picture of both of our "Positive" tests a few weeks ago. (Okay, maybe a little gross. I thought it was a vision worth keeping though). I put a caption on the picture that said, "Baby Psota due April 13th, 2006!

I put the picture in a frame and handed it to my Dad. I asked him & Mom if they thought the frame would work for a picture that I was planning on putting in it to give to my grandpa. They both just looked at it and said, "Yeah. I think it's fine." Neither of them even noticed what I had put inside the frame! Mom finally got it and then they were so funny. I don't think it had really sunk in with them until they got home that night. Mom called me back later that evening and told me how excited she was!
Before visiting the doctor...

How am I feeling? Great! Boobs are sore, but that's about it. I've bought all the "Necessary" books and have begun reading everything. There's so much to learn!

No morning sickness at all. I had a horrible headache the other night though--worst headache I've ever had in my life. Matt sat up with me at 3am holding ice packs on my head. I finally broke down and took a Tylenol & went back to sleep.

Other than that, this pregnancy thing is pretty easy!

It's kind of cool having this huge secret that only Matt and I know. We talk about it every waking minute. I feel fat, but I know it's just bloating & stuff. I look gross in a bathing suit. It's so hard keeping this from my Mom!!! I'll probably tell her soon though. I need a woman to talk to!
August, 2006

Holy crap...we're pregnant!!! I felt kind of weird about a week before "Aunt Flo" was due. I just assumed it was PMS and a little bit of wishful thinking. We took a test as early as we thought it would take, and it was a big, fat negative. I wasn't upset, just sure that it meant that I wasn't pregnant. A few days later (and still no visit from AF) we decided to go out for sushi with some friends. Matt said, "If you think you might be pregnant you shouldn't eat sushi." I was certain that I wasn't but I took the other test that was in the box (Thank goodness those things come in pairs!). Lo, and behold there were 2 lines on it before I could even finish wetting the stick!!!

Matt didn't believe it. His only response was, "It better be a dude."

I bought a digital test the next day...just to be sure. This one clearly said the word "Pregnant" on it. IT'S OFFICIAL!!

Called the doctor and they set an expected due date of April 13th, 2006. They scheduled me for an appointment 5 weeks from now. So long to wait!

Psota Twins!!

July, 2006

Well, the 4th of July has come and gone and Matt and I have officially been a happy married couple for almost 3 months. We're talking about kids & starting a family.

We originally wanted to wait until Fall/Winter to start trying
"Let's enjoy the Summer & worry about being pregnant later" (A thought that crosses my mind a lot!)

Get pregnant now & have baby before next Summer (Avoid the heat & before Aunt Julie's wedding!)
Spring is an ideal time to have a baby
What if it takes awhile...might as well start trying early
Haven't we waited long enough??

Ok, so we've decided. We're trying!!